An accurate retirement forecast can help members to understand their likely retirement outcome and take action to manage risk and maximise savings.
We believe that a forecast needs to show people their likely retirement income – rather than a lump sum. And that forecasts should provide a range of outcomes, so that the member knows their best and worst income scenario, as well as their most likely retirement income.
Our sophisticated retirement income forecasting tool is powered by an intricate stochastic forecasting engine. The calculations allow for investment volatility aiding the member to understand the trade-off between investment risk, income goals and longevity.
The forecast is easy to understand, providing a clear picture of the member’s progress towards their income goals.
Delivering the forecast
Individual forecasts can be delivered dynamically via secure log-in, or SuperEd can work with you to include a Retirement Income Forecast on your member statements, or via direct print or online campaign. Regular retirement income forecasts are a great way to lift member engagement and when combined with appropriate coaching can lead members to take action to improve their income.
For more information about SuperEd’s retirement income forecasting tools, please contact us.